First Look at Tiana’s Bayou Adventure Entrance

With Tiana’s Bayou Adventure opening this week on June 28, 2024, we thought we would take a closer look at the attraction’s entrance.

We love how vibrant the colors are and that Disney stuck with the colors of Mardi Gras:  Yellow, purple, and green.


The attraction’s sign out front.
Painting the mural out front earlier this year.
I love the buttery yellow color that they chose.
The attraction’s entrance.  Even the walking stones out front were tinted shades of yellow.


Check out that Tiana’s Foods delivery truck! A gorgeously restored 1929 Ford Model A! 

Read more about the 1929 Ford Model A truck being delivered in April:

The ride’s signs could use a little work.

Opens this week!
June 24, 2024: New Tiana mugs on the shelves.
They kept to these Mardi Gras colors.
The ride’s color palette.


Princess Tiana in her adventure costume.

We’ve written two books about our time working – and playing – as Disney Cast Members at Walt Disney World in Orlando, Florida.

Both are available on in paperback and Kindle:  Two Girls and a Mouse Tale and Adventures in the Animal Kingdom.

Adventure Book Cover
Adventures in the Animal Kingdom
book Two Girls
Two Girls and a Mouse Tale

If you’d like to follow our daily Disney blog, here’s the link:

Have a magical day!

Two Disney Sisters

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