Epcot’s Canadian Lumberjack Show

Meeting the Canadian Lumberjacks after the show.  (The guy on Caroline's right was a little too touchy-feely!)
Meeting the Canadian Lumberjacks after the show. (The guy on Caroline’s right was a little too touchy-feely!)

We got to see the new Canadian Lumberjack Show at Epcot’s Canada pavilion.

The Mill Stage smelled so good!!!  Like they ahd been chopping pine trees on it all day!!  ;)
The Mill Stage smelled so good!!! Like they had been chopping pine trees on it all day long!! 😉

The show features a mini-competition between the “blue team” and the “red team.” Each team consists of two lumberjacks as they compete in a series of events, including axe throwing, crosscut sawing and wood carving using chain saws.

Red Team vs. Blue Team chopping competition.
Red Team vs. Blue Team chopping competition.

Conservation is a big initiative for the group, who claim that for every tree that is cut for the show, three are planted in its place.  I must say, it smelled so good when they were chopping wood!  Like we were in the middle of a Canadian pine forest…

All hunky guys from Canada!
All hunky guys from Canada!

The act consists of skilled lumberjacks from the Paul Bunyan Lumberjack group, which has performed for crowds around the world and has operated for more than 30 years. The group is based in Kissimmee, Florida.

Video of the Canadian Lumberjacks Show: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=es1gdrqWbjw

(The Canadian Lumberjack Show replaced Off Kilter, a kilt-wearing, bagpipe-playing band that entertained guests in Epcot’s Canada for 17 years.)


We’ve written a book about our year working at Disney World in the Disney College Program: Two Girls and a Mouse Tale.
Available now on Amazon.com in paperback and Kindle. Published by Theme Park Press.

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